
BEACON: A fire or light serving as a signal, warning, guide or celebration

The Beacon Project: Cross Cultural Conversations

The Beacon Project is a series of multimedia creations in collaboration with Indigenous communities along The Great Trail. A companion piece to the feature documentary 500 Days in the Wild — the five-year, 24,000 km ecological and reconciliation pilgrimage of filmmaker Dianne Whelan — The Beacon Project is an exploration of the beacons that guide Dianne on her journey, and the wisdom of those that live close to the land.

The Beacon Project engages youth, artists, Elders and Grandmothers in a collaborative process of listening and sharing, and ask the questions, What has been lost? What do we need to know? The films emerge out of this shared reflection and dialogue, and are an honouring of signals, guides, warnings and celebrations as we continue our journey into the future.


Sacred Wolf Singers – Mi’kmaq Welcome Song

https://vimeo.com/248320542/b0fb1be719 December 21 marks the longest night of the year, and the shortest day in the Northern Hemisphere. Which means each day will get longer until the June 21. Here's a fire to light the way — the Sacred Wolf Singers performing the Mi'kmaq Welcome Song, one of the oldest songs that the Mi'kmaq people know. The song gathers, reunites and celebrates, honouring the land and the ancestors. This performance was recorded in Metepenagiag [...]

A Beacon is Lit: Cecelia Brooks & Metepenagiag, New Brunswick

The idea of the Beacon Project was inspired by the sharing of a journey and a meal between Dianne Whelan, Ann Verrall and Cecelia Brooks in May 2016. Dianne is on a 5-year pilgrimage across the Trans Canada Trail, making a feature documentary called 500 Days in the Wild with Ann Verrall. Cecelia Brooks and Dianne Whelan on the Wolastoq (Photo by Ann Verrall) Prior to paddling the Wolastoq (Saint John) River, Dianne came across information about [...]

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